On the Fireground Fitness podcast we host firefighters and allied professionals and discuss the life lessons learned on and off the fireground. How we become more effective and successful in high stress and difficult situations, life in a nut shell? Sitting down at ”the kitchen table” and talking it out!

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Ep.39 Captain America has many talents, With Bobby Banome
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Firefighters come from a wide variety of backgrounds and Bobby Benome is no exception. Benome, a CPA turn Firefighter, has made service a focal point of his life. He serves his clients, FDNY's customers and he is often found in a super suit bringing good vibes to kids. In ep. 39, Benome and I discuss all of these things and more! You will be impressed and inspired, give it a listen and enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: Humbleheros_ny & Rapidresponseco
FB: Humble Heros of NY &Rapid response co
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJF4Vtxe7bum1PMDrF3_5RA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rapidresco
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com
Links mentioned in this episode:

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Ep. 38 Live. Serve. Thrive. with Aaron Quinn
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Aaron Quinn is a solid brother - He takes his career, his family and his fitness seriously. Which is why he is a perfect guest to have on the FGF podcast. He shared his bio and I would like you to hear from Aaron in his own words. I am pleased to introduce Episode 38 with Aaron Quinn, Enjoy!
“I live in Oakland with my wife and three kids. I grew up in Oakland, California, where I now serve the citizens as a Firefighter. I was hired in 2002 and I have worked in the East end my whole career on 7 Truck and 6 Truck companies. I am currently the senior Firefighter on the B shift at Station 18.
As a child I swam and played Water Polo through High School and I started my coaching at the age of 15, when I assisted in coaching a summer swim team. This ignited a fire in my heart for the love of coaching. In 2007/2008 I dove deep into CrossFit, and soon after got lost in the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which I still practice, along with my weekly yoga practice.
For as long as I can remember, I was passionate about fitness, overall health and wellness and general optimization and human potential. Over the years, I’ve found myself seeking the unification of mind, body, soul/spirit to achieve peak performance through all aspects of my live and through my coaching experience, I’ve been drawn to coach and train others in much of what I’ve learned. I’ve discovered that sharing this, guiding others and helping them grow brings tremendous joy to my life.
Currently, the Wim Hof Method has reshaped my believe in what is possible for the human existence. Melding my experience on duty and off, from the pools of my youth, to the gyms of my yesterday, to the mats (jiu jitsu AND yoga) of today, and all my futures--from my life as a Father and Husband-- I wish to share the tools, tricks, and tips that help me. I offer you my lessons and failures, my triumphs and losses, so we may learn and grow stronger.
I invite you to get curious with me and I hope your journey is as amazing as mine.”
- Aaron Quinn
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: quinnofd@gmail.com
IG: live.serve.thrive
FB: Aaron Quinn
YouTube: live.serve.thrive
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com
Books and Links mentioned in this episode:
- Legacy
- Wim Hof

Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Ep. 37 Heavy Lifting with Sammi Jo
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
World class powerlifter, Coach Sammi Johnson, picked up a barbell and began setting international records. Then, wanting something more, she set it all aside to become a firefighter. In episode 37 Sammi Jo shares her journey from powerlifting to the fireground and how her training and fitness has evolved to help her be more successful and capable in the hazard zone and in life!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: Sjstrength@gmail.com
IG: @thepunchyblonde
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Monday May 25, 2020
Ep.36 From the Ballpark to the Fireground with Richie Robnett
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
We often hear people talk about how valuable it is for youth to play sports. The work ethic, teamwork and self-discipline that is developed on and off the field is integral to success as an athlete. Likewise, these traits translate into adulthood and contribute tremendously to one’s success in the workplace.
In episode 36 we have direct evidence of this statement as Richie Robnett, a Pro Ball player turn Firefighter, helps unpack this idea. Robnett grew up playing a variety of sports but found his passion in the Ballpark. Drafted into the majors he spent several years playing pro ball before a tumor and a career awakening made clear that it was time to move on. Robnett, looking for ways to challenge himself and continue to grow, transitioned from the clubhouse to the firehouse. We are lucky to have him serving in our community and as a guest on the FGF podcast. Please enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: rrobnett3@gmail.com
FB: @Richie Rob
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday May 10, 2020
Ep. 35, 555 Fitness featuring Pip
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
When we consider our desire, to serve and protect our communities we often focus on the firefight. The just in time response to the critical, destructive and fast moving emergency. Our response must be aggressive, smart and powerful. The work demands it and if we are going to mount a meaningful fire attack we have to bring it!
Looking at the statistics of firefighter fatalities that are related to cardiovascular illness it has become shockingly clear that the physical demands of the job put a legitimate strain on our bodies. Understanding this reality it is imperative that we do something to better prepare for the rigorous demands on the fireground. We have to eat right, physically train and get good rest. It is a difficult challenge but it is our individual responsibility. The folks at 555 Fitness take this responsibility seriously and are doing great things to support you and the brotherhood.
On episode 35 Pip and I discussed many things, but most importantly he shared with me his passion for the brotherhood. How he and the folks at 555Fitness are doing what they can to help firefighters get Fireground fit! Please enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @555fitness @555pip
FB: @555 Fitness @robert Piparo
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Ep. 34, Functional Firefighter Fitness w/ Dan Kerrigan & Jim Moss
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
I believe that physical, mental and emotional fitness are critical to success on the fireground. Showing up weak, untrained and disinterested is a set up for disaster. Each of us needs to achieve balance in all these areas if we want to navigate our way to a long and healthy career.
Chief Dan Kerrigan and Captain Jim Moss have a similar ideology and in episode 34 we discussed their book, Functional Firefighter Fitness. It discusses this philosophy and contains some of the tools you and I can employ to reach optimal balance in our total wellness. Enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: Dankerrigan911@gmail.com
IG: @firefighterfit
FB: @firefighter functional fitness
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Ep.33 Project Mayday with Don Abbott
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
You work in a space that has the potential to become IDLH, the very epitome of a hostile work environment! So, we take measures to mitigate this hazard. We conduct training, we study, we craft SOPs that illustrate command and control measures to keep us out of harms ways. None-the-less, there are times when things do not go as hoped, or as planned, and we find ourselves in deep trouble. So, we call a mayday. The disturbing thing is that these mayday events happen more frequently than you might imagine and for reasons that you might not believe.
Lucky for us Don Abbott has made it his mission to help us understand what is taking place during mayday events on the fireground. In Ep.33 we sat and discussed his nearly 50 years of work in the fire service and his current endeavor, Project Mayday. This project is a comprehensive and continuous of actual maydays. Abbott and his team have accumulated the fact, figures and audio from well over 6000 mayday events over the last 5 years.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever fine podcasts are found. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: donaldeabbott@yahoo.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Ep. 32 Fighting the 47th ave fire and the aftermath with Derek Block
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
On November 12th, 2014, Derek Block was riding backwards on Engine 15 when they were dispatched on a working house fire. This busy company had been Blocks home for the last 10 years. The crew was a very talented and experienced group of hard chargers and together they had fought many fires. But on every incident the enemy gets a vote; and this fire, in a small, vacant house, was no exception.
In episode 32 Block shares with us the events that transpired in that fire fight, the injuries he sustained and the rigor of his challenging recovery. Block fought the fire the way he had been trained. He set up his attack in a way that had garnered victory countless time before, however, on this day the fire did not relent.
According to the psychologist Carl Jung “The difference between a good life and a bad life is how well you walk through the fire”. I would submit to you that Block has “walked through the fire” better than most. There is so much to be learned from Block’s experience and insight; I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever you get your podcasts. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest or follow his journey...
IG: @drblock00
FB: Derek Block
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Ep.31 Hazmat Response and more featuring Jeff Zientek
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
After 33 years on the job Jeff Zientek has learned a thing or two about responding to hazardous situations. Specifically, he has focused his attention on Hazardous Materials response. His years of experience have culminated in a fantastic field operators guide for hazmat response that almost fits in your pocket.
In episode 31 Jeff and I had a great conversation about building trust with in your company, first in response to a hazmat call and much much more. Check it out!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever you get your podcast content. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest or follow his journey...
IG: @hazmat_response
FB: Hazmat response
Twitter: jeffzientek@hazmatfog
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Les, David and Brittany, three very different folks from backgrounds that are just as varied. Brought together under one flag to accomplish a unified mission it is fitting that their recruit class moto is “Together!” In episode 30 we discussed the rigor of the hiring process, the challenges in the training academy and life as a probationary firefighter. Whether you are a would be fire fighter or an old salt, you are sure to enjoy this episode!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever you get your podcast content. So, please search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guests or follow their journey...
IG: @thetribe_19.1
Your host can be reached @
IG: @firegroundfitness
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com