On the Fireground Fitness podcast we host firefighters and allied professionals and discuss the life lessons learned on and off the fireground. How we become more effective and successful in high stress and difficult situations, life in a nut shell? Sitting down at ”the kitchen table” and talking it out!

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Ep.49 Breath is life w/ Ben Dubin
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
“When the breath wanders the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still.” – Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 500-year-old yogic text.
The ancients understood the power of breath and today we reach back to this ancient knowledge. In episode 49 we sit with Ben Dubin a Firefighter and Wim Hof instructor to discuss the power of breath, it’s healing and rejuvenating strength. I hope you enjoy this episode and follow it up with part 2 where you can follow us as we do a full Wim Hof session. Check it out!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @ connect2it
FB: connect2it
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Ep. 48 SemperStronger with Rebecca Rouse
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
I have been swinging a Kettlebell since 07 and thought I had it all figured out. Then along comes Rebecca Rouse, a fantastic strength and conditioning coach, who easily spotted and corrected my years of poor form. Her coaching has been honed through academics, personal experience, and years of exposure to the USMC.
Her desire to serve continues to grow and is branching out to support the mission of all warriors – Mil, LEO and Fire.
In episode 48 we discuss a little about her journey into the world of coaching, her training philosophy and how she trains Mil & Public safety to optimize capacity and health.
I hope you enjoy this episode and find some nuggets to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit. GetSome!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @Rebecca Rouse
IG: @semperstronger
FB: Semper Stronger
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Ep.47 Tier 1 Athletes with Kevin Easley
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
No one understand the squad, they miss-use, they cancel, they just do not understand these special operators. From my perspective, and I’m not just blowing smoke, Squadies are a wicked special and talented group of folks and a serious everyday asset. In episode 47 Kevin Easley and I discuss a little about the work of the Squad, culture in the fire service, Tier_1_Athletes and so much more! Please enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: Tier_1_Athletes
IG: Tier1talks
FB: Tier_1_Athletes
Podcast: Any Podcast platform you can find Kevin and his crew at the Tier 1 Talks
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Ep. 46 Firefighter Fenton
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Firefighter Brent Fenton has a huge cult following on social media @firefighterfenton. This is in part because he is hilarious, but more so because he is honest. The authenticity of his humor is what makes it so fun and funny. In ep46 Fenton and I discuss the job, family, social media and much more. Enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @firefighterfenton
FB: Firefighter Fenton
Youtube: Firefighter Fenton
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Ep.45 The Firefighter Combat Challenge with Dr. Paul Davis
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
In Episode 45 we have the pleasure of hearing from the creator of the Firefighter Combat Challenge, Dr. Paul Davis. He is an amazing fellow who has made an outstanding contribution to the fire service. Enjoy the episode!
Here’s more about our guest:
Paul O. Davis, III, Ph.D., is the founder and president of the First Responder Institute. He is a graduate of the School of Public Health, University of Maryland and a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Under contract to the Marine Corps, he embedded as a rifleman and conducted a five-year job task analysis of the critical and arduous tasks required for the MOS 0311 in high altitude, cold weather, desert, jungle and amphibious operations. Under contract to Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA), Dr. Davis developed physical performance standards for all uniformed personnel.
Dr. Davis was also a member of the Astronaut Rescue Team Initiative- a joint-USAF-NASA project to designed to increase survivability of a Space Shuttle launch mishap, created after the Challenger incident. For the Navy, he carried out a world-wide certification program for Command Fitness Coordinators.
For the Army, he wrote the first POI (program of instruction) for the Physical Fitness Academy at the Soldier Support Center.
He is the executive producer of several ESPN, Versus, A&E, CBS Sports and Discovery Channel productions including the Marine Corps Super Squad Challenge, Army Ranger Challenge, World SWAT Challenge and the Firefighter Combat Challenge®.
He has authored more than 200 treatises, articles and reports as well as two books- most recently: Hard Work: a guide for human resource managers, labor attorneys, and ergonomists- co-authored with Dr. Brian Sharkey.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: Firefightercombatchallenge
FB: 3M Scott Firefighter Challenge
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Ep.44 The Next Rung with Blake Stinnett
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
From a Gospel Ministry to the Fire Service, Blake Stinnett has made his life’s focus service. While this path may seem non-traditional, Stinnett’s Father, who was a Volunteer firefighter, set the expectation and example of putting others first. Recognizing a need in the Brotherhood Stinnett created NextRung. NextRung is a peer support group that trains and facilitates peer support and crisis intervention as well as local networking of mental health resources. In Ep.44 we talk a little about being a firefighter in Georgia and a lot about being a good Brother and how NextRung supports this. We all need some support from time to time, so, share this episode. Share the links below. Share your time and concern with a brother or sister in need. It may be as simple as sitting in the uncomfortable silence and just being present. No grand solutions, no problem solving, just be present.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
FB: Next Rung
IG: Next_Rung
IG: Blakestinnett_nextrung
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Ep.43 Discipline for you and the Dog w/ Mike Smith
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
The word discipline is often thrown around a little too casually these days; sapping its power and value. You cannot just speak about discipline rather it must be practiced, exercised, and flexed for one to truly appreciate its personal importance. In episode 43 Mike Smith and I talk about discipline; we unpack some of the elements gained through wrestling, firefighting, training and dog handling. Please enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
FB: Michael Smith
IG: azwrestlr145
IG: azsearchdog_tallon
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com
Also mentioned on this episode
Reef Builders construction and Dixxon Flannel Company are running a fundraiser for the AZ search dogs. Please take the opportunity to support the Arizona Search Dog’s fundraiser on 9/11 goto:
Reef Builders AZ Search Dogs fundraiser
To follow AZ Search Dogs
IG: Arizonasearchdogs
FB: Arizona Search Dogs

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
When you spend your entire adult life serving your community and fellow man you learn a few things! Number one - “treat people like human beings!”; Two - “it’s about communication and collaboration” and three “no matter your position or function in the organization focus on the mission.” Chief Bartee’s 33 years in the fire service were spent working every position on fire trucks, on the HazMat team, as an Recruit Training officer, Battalion Chief, Human Resource Chief and so much more. In episode 42 he shares some of his hard-earned lessons. I hope you enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: krbartee@cox.net
FB: Kelvin Bartee
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
My mama told me to study my lessons while in school and I argued endlessly. It was not until I had "grown up", a term I am using very liberally, that I began to understand the value of her admonitions. She knew something I had yet to comprehend, that education stretched one’s mind and increased an individual’s capacity for growth. I am eternally grateful to the many folks who encouraged me to go to school. The nudges and encouraging words have added a tremendous value to my life.
In episode 41 I have shared a podcast that was originally released on the “Make the Difference podcast”. Recorded nine or more months ago, Retired Deputy Chief Bryan Parks, Captain Brandan Millan and Myself discuss leadership, learning and the value of higher education. If you have ever thought “I should consider going back to school” I would tell you “yes, that’s what you should do!” No further question. Don’t just take my word for it, listen to our conversation and maybe it will add some additional value to the proposition.
Getting further education is not without challenges and difficulty. There is a time and a season for each of us. My hope is that you are fully engaged in your life and thinking through the decisions and consequences. Give the episode a listen, enjoy, then go on out there and GetSome.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: Makethedifferencepodcast
FB: Make the Difference
IG: ReefbuildersAZ
FB: Reef Builders
Web: https://www.reefbuildersaz.com/
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Ep. 40 "I want to be your first call" with Dakota Waldum
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Meet Dakota Waldum, at 5'2" you may think of her as an unlikely Firefighter. However, when you listen to the determination and leadership offered by this young mother of three, you quickly come to understand how little her height matters. Like a true Texan she has zero room for silly BS and when there's work to do, whether in the gym or on the fireground, she is getting after it! As a busy Mom, Firefighter and Medic, Dakota is focused on the needs of the job and supporting the Brotherhood. She trains like a beast, is dedicated to the mission, and sets a tremendous example. Listen in on episode 40 - you will love this episode!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: dakotawaldum@gmail.com
IG: next_rung
FB: Next Rung
Web: https://www.nextrung.org/
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com