On the Fireground Fitness podcast we host firefighters and allied professionals and discuss the life lessons learned on and off the fireground. How we become more effective and successful in high stress and difficult situations, life in a nut shell? Sitting down at ”the kitchen table” and talking it out!

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Fog Nozzle Friday #2
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Aaron Quinn and I discuss a few of your questions:
- When you're fit, do fires stop kicking your ass?
- Do you think Crossfit is the best training modality for fireground fitness?
- Where do you see the line between cardio and weight training?
- Is there a balance according to our jobs that you may have recognized?
- How can I balance the two so as not to lose any weight and/or strength?
- What is actually in a Bang?
- Reflections on 9/11
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @live.serve.thrive
FB: Aaron Quinn
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Ep.65 the IGNITEd Firefighter with Ryan Rodriquez
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
I had the opportunity to be a guest on the Ignited Firefighter Podcast back in June of this year. It was an awesome conversation with host Ryan Rodriquez. We had so much to discuss that we needed to continue the conversation here in episode 65. Rodriquez and I discussed ego, team building, setting boundaries and so much more, give it a listen and I hope you enjoy!
A little about today’s guest:
Ryan Rodriquez been fighting fire and providing paramedicine for the last 16 years. He’s completed a myriad of certifications to include bachelor’s from ASU in Fire Service Admin, Certified personal trainer, and Certified Nutrition coach. He gives back by teaching at the community college and mentoring.
When asked about the IGNITEd fire fighter podcast and related projects he said,
“I started the IGNITEd Firefighter Podcast in 2017 as a way to help my brother & sister FFs find ways to build up their resiliency and fight mental illness, by civilizing their minds and making savage their bodies. Additionally, I lead an online community of like-minded FFs and EMS professionals who are looking to level up through conscious effort in mapping out goals, setting the bar high, and connecting with others.”
Rodriquez also does some consulting work with Fire & corporate organizations who are looking to solidify their team dynamic and create environments of trust & accountability based on systems we use in the fire service.
On a personal note Rodriquez is a huge comic book nerd. He loves reading books, gym time, challenging my body & mind. He’s a husband and father and said of his passion “I’m all about being the firefighter I’d want on my crew!”
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
LinkedIN: Ryan Rodriquez
On the web: Podcast | IGNITEd | United States (ignitedff.com)
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Episode 64, the Fight Against Human Trafficking with Austin Berrier
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
One of the most insidious and disturbing crimes are those committed against children and other vulnerable populations. It is so important that we understand the precursors to these crimes and what we can do to prevent them from occurring. Additionally, we need to understand what these crimes look like in our homes, in the street, and how we contact law enforcement. In Episode 64 Austin Berrier and I talk about this difficult topic, his role as a Special Agent dealing with crimes against children and how pervasive this form of criminal activity has become. This is an uncomfortable topic but one that must be addressed head on, I hope you learn something of value. Thanks for listening!
A little about our guest:
Austin Berrier has been a Special Agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) since January 2003. Special Agent Berrier has been assigned to both the Los Angeles, California and Phoenix, Arizona field offices. During his time with HSI Special Agent Berrier has investigated commercial fraud, maritime smuggling, contraband smuggling and criminal street gangs. He has been assigned to Crimes Against Children since January 2009. During that time Special Agent Berrier has conducted both traditional and undercover online investigations across a broad spectrum of platforms such as peer-to-peer, social media, file-sharing and live-streaming platforms. Special Agent Berrier is a recipient of the 2018 Assistant Attorney General’s Distinguished Service Award for Project Mercury, a 3 ½ year online undercover investigation that has led to the arrest and/or indictment of over 200 child predators globally, the identification of over two dozen victims of contact abuse and the safeguarding of nearly 6o additional children prior to abuse occurring. Special Agent Berrier has presented and instructed both within the U.S. as well as Internationally in Canada and at EUROPOL and INTERPOL. Prior to his employment with the U.S. Government, Special Agent Berrier spent five years in municipal policing with the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office and four years as Military Policemen in the United States Marine Corps assigned to Security Company, HMX-1 (Marine One), Presidential Helicopter Squadron.
Other resources for interested listeners:
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
United Stated Department of Justice, Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (DOJ-CEOS)
Homeland Security Investigations Cyber Crime Center (HSI-C3)
Department of Homeland Security Center for Countering Human Trafficking
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
in: Austin Berrier
Austin J. Berrier, Jr.
Special Agent
Homeland Security Investigations - Phoenix
3010 N. 2nd St., Suite 201
Phoenix AZ, 85012
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Ep.63 Barefoot and Resilient with Dr. Dara Rampersad
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Growing up playing football, barefoot, in the streets of Trinidad set Dr. Dara Rampersad to be a unique, caring and thoughtful person and practitioner. His is not the typical origin story for most PhD Psychologists; likewise, his mission to serve public safety is not normal either. In episode 63 Dr Dara and I discuss resiliency, why it matters and how it’s developed. We also discuss growing up in Trinidad and how the sport of cricket lead to baseball. A great guest and fantastic episode, enjoy!
A little about todays guest:
Dr. Dara Rampersad is a First Responder and Forensic psychologist who is licensed in both Arizona and Hawaii. He is certified in Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT) as a CIT Coordinator, and is trained in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), and FBI- Crisis Negotiator Teams (CNT). In addition, Dr. Rampersad is licensed as a professional counselor in Arizona and Colorado, and is nationally board certified in counseling, with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field.
Dr. Rampersad owns and operates BluePaz First Responder Services, which hosts annual first responder health and wellness conferences and provides counseling, consulting, coaching, critical incident stress debriefings, and training to first responders and their departments on resiliency, stress management and other pertinent topics.
Dr. Rampersad helped to start the world’s first hospital-based CIT program, and he currently serves as the Director of Crisis Services for a large multi-state hospital system. He is also an instructor for many law enforcement agencies, and trains on crisis and Mental Health Tactical Intervention (MHTI) to fire departments, paramedics, and other first responders.
Dr. Rampersad is a founding member and first President of the Arizona CIT Association. He also serves on the CIT International and EMSHelp boards of directors, Mesa Police Department mental health advisory board, and Phoenix Fire Department paramedic training advisory board.
Dr. Rampersad works with the Peoria Police Department and Prescott Valley Police Department as a member of their peer support team, and was also involved as a team leader for an International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) policy group; revising policies and procedures for how law enforcement assist people mental health crisis.
Dr. Rampersad helped to launch Maui County Police Department’s and the State of Hawaii’s very first CIT program aimed to improve first responder service delivery to people living with mental illness. During this time, he was also able to assist in starting Maui County’s first felony/circuit court mental health court, and he was selected by CIT International as an international behavioral health practitioner of the year.
Dr. Rampersad has appeared on multiple television and radio programs to speak on law enforcement response to mental health, violence risk assessment, homelessness, and other mental health issues. He has also served as an expert witness in complex judicial cases involving involuntary hospitalization and fitness to proceed issues.
Dr. Rampersad has been given letters of commendation by the Governor of Hawaii and the Mayor and Chief of Police of Maui County for his pioneering work in the field of mental health. He was also lauded by and received commendations from the Phoenix Police Department for his assistance in selecting their CIT detective squads, and for his ongoing work in assisting law enforcement as a first responder psychologist.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @drdarabluepaz
FB: BluePaz
LinkedIn: Dr. Dara Rampersad
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Episode 62 Enduring the Badge With Jerry Lund
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Jerry Lund, host of the Enduring the Badge Podcast, Fire Captain in the greater Salt Lake area, is a California transplant in Utah, finding his way there in high school and deciding to stay! It may have a little something to do with the deep powder and his equally deep love of snowboarding. Or it may be his passion for the job and the community he has the privilege to serve. Either way he has made the beautiful Saratoga Springs his home and there we had the opportunity to sit and record episode 62. Jerry shared some details about his journey, the thrills of the job and the trials that came with injury. It is a fantastic episode, and I hope you give it a listen and enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @enduringthebadge
Email: enduringthebadge@gmail.com
(801)376- 7124
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Ep.61 Firefighter Success with Jim Moss
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Throughout my career I have often wondered “what is the formula for success?” Typically landing on “hard work and self-discipline” as the default answer but this has always felt somewhat shallow. And while it is a true statement, It does not provide any of the details needed to really get somewhere. For example, you can “work really hard” but in the absence of a plan you will find yourself working in circles.
Captain Jim Moss, starting with Firefighter Functional Fitness (discussed in episode 34) and now Firefighter Success, shares the formula, the tools needed and the plan to execute. Jim nicely articulates 20 core principles that will give your “hard work and self-discipline” some direction and focus. In episode 61 we unpack many aspects of Moss’ personal philosophies and much more. Enjoy the episode!
Introducing Jim Moss:
Jim Moss is a fire captain and paramedic for the Metro West Fire Protection District in St. Louis County, Missouri. A 16-year veteran of the fire service, his passions include leadership, training, mentorship and fitness. Jim is the bestselling author of Firefighter Success: 20 C’s to Firefighter Excellence, and the co-author of Firefighter Functional Fitness: The Essential Guide to Optimal Firefighter Performance and Longevity. He is also the host of the Firefighter Success Podcast.
Jim is a contributor to multiple fire service publications, including Fire Engineering Magazine and FirefighterToolbox.com. He has shared his message at FDIC International, Firehouse, the International Society of Fire Service Instructors, the National Volunteer Fire Council, International Association of Fire Chiefs, and with fire departments nationwide.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest....
Connect with him personally on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and follow him and Firefighter Success on the following social media outlets:
Instagram: @FirefighterSuccess and @FirefighterFFit
Facebook: @FirefighterSuccess and @FirefighterFFit
Twitter: @FireSuccessBook and @FirefighterFFit
Learn more at: FirefighterSuccessBook.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday May 09, 2021
Ep.60 Serving with Aloha w/ Aubrey Loveman
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
We each face obstacles in our life’s journey. Many of these challenges are within our control, such as gathering more certifications, advanced education, eating healthy and training hard. These choices can impact the trajectory of our lives and allow us to overcome roadblocks. Some obstacles, however, are not from a lack of fitness, education or skill, rather they are manifest in the judgement of others as they regard the color of one’s skin or gender. These obstacles are the product of bias and bigotry, they have no place in our community but none-the-less exist.
Aubrey Loveman’s journey is one of aloha. Despite being told “they won’t hire you here” and facing open resistance to her presence, she found mentors, support and strength. As you listen to episode 60 I ask you to pay close attention and with a soft heart and open mind really hear the story that Loveman shares with us. Her story is not uncommon among black folks and women and we need to really listen, honestly reflect and apply the lessons to our own lives.
Loveman’s desire to serve has transcended the barricades and she is magnifying her service as a firefighter on the island of Oahu where she mentors, leads and serves with much Aloha. We talk about all of this and so much more, enjoy this episode and Mahalo for listening!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @unfriendlyblerdhottie
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Ep59 Stop Believing, Start Knowing w/ Sean Gray
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Back in 2015 I was researching modern fire behavior for a project and came across the work that Sean Gray had published. I reached out and we found a deep mutual interest in fire science research and education. Sean has a wealth of information and a curiosity that keeps him coming to the table to learn and share. In episode 59 we talk about his journey into the exploration of fire dynamics, his connection to the UL and how his understanding and teaching have evolved along the way.
Folks, this great episode, enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @ffseangray @stopbelievingstartknowing
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Episode 20 Reboot - Because we cherish our dispatchers
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
In honor of National Public Safety Telecommunicator week we are rebooting episode 20 were we have a great chat with Kimberly Brophy a wonderful person and fantastic dispatcher. Check out the episode, then go find a dispatcher and thank them profusely for the amazing work they do in support of operations.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Fog Nozzle Friday 1 with Rayne Gray and Aaron Quinn
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
First ever "ask me (us) anything"
Aaron and I sat down yesterday and rapped about the below questions, hopefully shedding some light on the subjects. We had a blast and will do this again. If you have any questions or comments holler at me and I will be sure to reply.
SeanGrinnell@enter_the_cricket asked:
1) I work for a smaller department and I am considering testing for a major department in my area. What are the pros and cons of going from a smaller to a larger agency?
2)What differences do you notice in the older generation of firefighters to the newer generation and how can the young firefighters use their skills and resources (social media, tech, etc.) to improve the fire service?
Joe@traderjoe asked:
3) Getting in as a small guy? Beyond bulking and fitness, what about the mentality of it?
Zeke Gray asked:
4) What does it mean to be fireground fit?
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG, FB & Youtube: @live.serve.thrive
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com