On the Fireground Fitness podcast we host firefighters and allied professionals and discuss the life lessons learned on and off the fireground. How we become more effective and successful in high stress and difficult situations, life in a nut shell? Sitting down at ”the kitchen table” and talking it out!

Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Ep.73 Serve, Guard & Lead with Eric Terre
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
When you look at a person’s resume you presume that it will neatly summarize what they are all about. The places they’ve been employed, the work they have managed, the institutions where they were educated, clean and simple. I find this to be true with most folks. But the main reason I enjoy doing this podcast is that it reveals more than the surface info you get from a resume. Turn on the mic, ask a few questions and people share a deeper look into what makes them tic and who they really are. The interesting stuff.
As I looked over Eric Terre’s dossier, today’s guest for episode 73, I found this truth to remain. Terre’s resume shows that he is an infantry Captain in the Army National Guard, he pipelined through ROTC graduating Arizona State University and is a Firefighter on top of all that.
But our conversation peeled back the layers and revealed interesting truths about Eric, starting with his run as a champion Men’s physique athlete. So, we unpacked this and so much more, enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: ericterre
FB: Eric Terre
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Ep. 72, Yoga For First Responders with Olivia Mead and Eric Brennemen
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Over the last few years, I have dabbled with yoga in a variety of forms. And, if I am honest, every time I do a session of any type I come away feeling great. However, I have had a hard time weaving it into my daily life.
In episode 72 I sat down with Olivia Mead and Eric Brenneman to get into the meaningful ways that yoga can improve our lives and health. The two of them drop real knowledge and reframed the foo foo model of yoga into one occupied by the warrior class. I am inspired and convinced that yoga and breath work is something we all need to implement into our daily lives.
Take a listen to the episode and enjoy! Then go out, follow some of YFFR flows and let me know your thoughts.
A little more about our guest…
YogaShield® Yoga For First Responders® (YFFR) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Olivia Mead and first seen at LAFD in 2013.
To date, YFFR has trained over 300 instructors and introduced this new skill set to thousands of first responders and military personnel in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands.
In 2019 alone, YFFR reached over 150 departments in 35 states, and a total of 12,000+ first responders and military personnel.
what we do
YogaShield® Yoga for First Responders® (YFFR) has a mission of bringing yoga and mindfulness science to practical applications for first responders and military personnel.
YFFR’s unique, field tested, and evidence backed Protocol provides a systematic skill set to a known problem:
High rates of
- Post Traumatic Stress
- Heart attack
- Suicide
- other stress-based issues
The YFFR Protocol builds mental and physical resilience leading to optimal levels of performance on and off the job.
who we serve
The YFFR Protocol is designed for first responders and military personnel. YFFR considers first responders anyone who works in public safety or emergency services. We currently have training models for law enforcement, fire service, EMS, Dispatch/911 Telecommunications, and military, with jail-based law enforcement and behavioral health in development.
how we do it
YFFR trains first responders, military personnel, and civilians on the neurological benefits of yoga and our unique approach via the methods below*:
In-Person Options
3 or 6 day trainings to become certified and licensed to instruct the YFFR Protocol.
Workshops (including lecture and experiential portions) that fulfill mandated training requirements.
An introduction to YFFR Protocol and programs, consisting of a brief lecture and an experiential yoga mat class.
Structured curriculum for recruit training academies.
Structured programs consisting of recurring YFFR classes held within a department facility.
Places trained instructors within departments requesting classes/programs as well as assists departments with ensuring program satisfaction.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: yogaforfirstreponders
FB: Yoga For First Responders
www: yogaforfirstreponders.org
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Ep.71 Culture and Community with Scott Razo
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Razo has a pretty standard story, played a variety of sports in high school, got the fire bug and landed a wildland opportunity, found a mentor and worked his way into a major metro fire department. However, Razo, by all accounts, is anything but “standard” and like all stories the magic is in the details.
In Episode 71 we talk through some of those details as Razo unpacks his journey. He shares the powerful impact that his first Fire Chief had on him and his thoughts about service, leadership and the critical role of the Senior Firefighter. As you will hear in this episode, Razo is one of the most positive and uplifting human beings and his attitude is absolutely infectious. Take a listen and enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: phxresqsystems
IG: phoenix_fire_12house
FB: Scott Razo
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Ep.70 Prep and Defend w/ Chris Ruano
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
From wildland to urban structure, firefighting takes thoughtful and engaged leadership. In episode 70 Captain Chris Ruano and I discuss the demands that exist on the fire ground and how to prepare oneself for the rigors and expectations of the job.
Chris Ruano currently serves on and leads teams in the Wildland and Municipal Fire-Service in Southern California. Having served as a Forest Service Hotshot and more recently, as a leader on Wildland and Municipal fire crews; “Roo” is especially passionate about fitness leadership and training methods. He draws his unique perspective from serving over 23 yrs in the Fire-Service. Chris is on a mission to build and equip firefighters and their leadership to be the most Capable, Functional, and Durable personnel on the fireground and beyond.
"I am currently mentoring and coaching athletes and leaders that are interested in building teams that are more functionally relevant for the demands of an arduous lifestyle or tactical careers"
In order to share what he’s learned with other athletes and leaders, Chris created VenturAthlete.com.
Chris has developed a proven program through trial, error, experience, and adapting methods learned through various Programming and Coaching courses.
"Leading and training our crews required developing high-level fitness programming that would create athletes that are extremely durable and well-rounded. I’ve worked hard to design and implement a year-round training program that provides the necessary balance of strength and conditioning for my entire team.”
Chris now specializes in preparing and training Fire Service Athletes for the arduous duties that their careers demand. As a current Wildland Training cadre member he is especially interested in helping out and physically preparing many of the young athletes that are striving to enter fire Department and Wildland and Fire Service careers.
What makes our year-round strength and conditioning programs unique?
Prep and Defend - Team Training
Periodized to peak an athlete for “Fire-Season”
Fall - Raw Strength
Winter - Power Development
Spring - Strength Endurance
Summer - Bodyweight, a Kettlebell or Sandbag, and Bands
Use of Sandbags for functional “StrongBag” strongman work
The Prep and Defend Show - Podcast
Podcast -
Chris is the creator and host of the Prep and Defend Show;
a podcast inspired by Tactical Athletes and their lifestyles.
“Learn helpful workout, leadership, and lifestyle strategies, insights, tips and hacks for you and your team. Join guests and hosts on this deep-dive into the fitness-leadership lifestyle of the Career Tactical Athlete or arduous lifestyle.
Guests and hosts will draw from their experience on Wildland Fire Crews, Municipal Fire Departments, and the greater Tactical Athlete and Fitness community in order to better equip the Tactical Athlete Community for the challenges of an arduous, high-commitment lifestyle.
With long-term fitness and lifestyle goals in mind, you will learn helpful workout and life strategies, insights, and tips that you and or your team can apply as you push yourselves to exceed the standard on the “Fire-Line” and beyond.”
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: prep_and_defend
FB: Prep and Defend
Email: venturathlete@gmail.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Fog Nozzle Friday #4
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
On today's Fog Nozzle Friday Aaron and I discussed a few really great topics:
What choices have you made that shaped who you are?
What's something you believe that other people think is crazy?
In the last 5 years what's a new behavior or habit that has changed your life?
What the best piece of leadership advice you've been given?
I hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed our conversation!

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Ep.69, Lessons learned on the beat with Chris Perez
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
An eternity ago I met a young Chris Perez, working together at REI, hiking, biking, going to school and starting our young families. We had a lot in common and became fast friends. Perez graduated and became a local police officer, serving in every possible capacity (see below). In Episode 69 Commander Perez and I discuss some of the lessons learned during his storied career and how we still have many things in common, the most obvious being our desire to be firefighters, I mean public servants. Enjoy the episode.
A little more about our guest…
Commander Chris Pérez, began his career with the Chandler Police Department in 1997, after serving in the United States Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. He has worked in numerous patrol positions throughout the department. In 2000 he became an investigator as part of the Neighborhood Response Team. In 2004 Pérez changed roles and became a School Resource Officer, instructing students in the Chandler Unified School District. In this assignment, Pérez created the Chandler Police Department Wilderness Experience, an outdoor, experiential education opportunity that serves middle school students. This successful program is still active today.
In 2004 he returned to the Criminal Investigations Bureau as a Special Victims detective, where he investigated violent crime and crimes against children. During his tenure, Pérez oversaw some of the city’s most high-profile cases and sought justice for victims. In 2012 he was promoted to sergeant and returned to patrol until 2014 when he was selected to return to the Special Victims Unit as Detective Sergeant. This provided the opportunity to oversee the direction of investigations, enhance best practices and serve as co-coordinator for the State of Arizona Child Abduction Response Team. He also served on an advisory committee in Washington D.C. developing a national protocol for sex abuse medical forensic examinations, in conjunction with the Department of Justice, the Department of Interior, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Human Health Services.
In 2014, Pérez assumed leadership of the Honor Guard as an ancillary duty, and in 2015 he was promoted to lieutenant, serving as watch commander over patrol. In 2016 he was selected to lead the department’s Special Investigations Section overseeing all Gang, Criminal Intelligence, Narcotics and Human Trafficking investigations.
In January of 2020, Commander Perez was assigned as the Operational Support Bureau Commander. Perez oversees the daily operations of the following units: SWAT, Criminal Apprehension Unit (CAU), K-9 Unit, Motor Unit, DUI Unit, Vehicular Crimes Unit, Bike Team Unit, Training Unit, SRO Unit, Park Ranger Unit, Volunteers in Policing Unit, Detention Services Unit, and our Police Cadet Unit.
Commander Pérez earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Arizona State University in 1997 and holds a master’s degree (2010) in education from Northern Arizona University. In his spare time, Commander Pérez is an outdoor enthusiast, an Adjunct College Professor of Justice Studies and also presents case studies and lectures throughout the United States.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
Email: cperez377@gmail.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Ep.68, 50 years of learning with Dennis Compton
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
During my career I have had several opportunities to sit in lecture halls and listen to Chief Dennis Compton share some of the wisdom he has gleaned over 50 years in the fire service. He taught us that one should “never sacrifice a relationship for an outcome”, that we need to “become politically competent”, and be aware of what behaviors and procedures that we “institutionalize.”
In episode 68 Chief Compton and I chatted about his journey into the fire service, how things have changed and how important relationships are to a healthy organization. We talked about these important topics and so much more. Give it a listen and please enjoy.
A little about our guest…
Dennis Compton serves as a respected Executive Advisor for national, state, and local fire service and homeland security organizations. He was the Fire Chief in Mesa, Arizona for six years and Assistant Fire Chief in Phoenix, Arizona, where he served for 28 years. Chief Compton has Chaired the IFSTA Executive Board and also Chaired the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) National Advisory Council (NAC), where he continues to represent IFSTA. Chief Compton Chaired the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) Board of Directors for well over a decade and served as the Secretary of the International Public Safety Data Institute (IPSDI) Board of Directors as well. He has also served on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Board of Directors.
Dennis is a widely recognized speaker and author. He has written many articles and chapters for publications, including five of his own books – the two latest being: 1) Progressive Leadership Principles, Concepts, and Tools; and 2) Mental Aspects of Performance for Firefighters and Fire Officers.
Chief Compton is a 2011 Inductee into the National Fire Heritage Center’s Hall of Legends, Legacies, and Leaders; a 2018 Inductee into the Firehouse Legends and Icons National Hall of Fame; and is a charter member of the Arizona Fire Service Hall of Fame. He is the recipient of Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association (Metro Chiefs) and the Arizona Fire Chiefs Association (AFCA).
Dennis has received the George D. Post National Fire Service Instructor of the Year Award and was recognized as the American Fire Sprinkler Association Fire Service Person of the Year. He was named the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year by the University of Phoenix and received the coveted CFSI/Motorola Solutions Mason Lankford National Fire Service Leadership Award. Chief Compton has also received the 2014 Dr. John Granito Award for Excellence in Fire Service Leadership and Management Research; the 2016 International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) James O. Page EMS Achievement Award; and was awarded the 2019 IAFC President’s Award.
Since 1978, Chief Compton has served on many IFSTA Validation Committees and Task Groups, including as Past Chair of Chief Officer. Dennis was first elected to the IFSTA Executive Board in 1983 and represents IFSTA with many national fire service organizations addressing critical projects, issues, and planning endeavors.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
FB: Dennis Compton
Email: dcompton5@cox.net
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Fog Nozzle Friday 3
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
On this episode of Fog Nozzle Friday Aaron Quinn and I discuss a few listener questions.
1) Smooth Bore or Combination nozzle?
2) What are good ways to develop mental toughness and discipline?
3) When should you retire?
Great questions and well reasoned and deeply researched answers :-) Enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: @Live.serve.thrive
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Episode 67, No clowning around with David Blau
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
When people mention David Blau you hear things like “that dude’s a cage fighting monster, a straight up murderer”. So, the day I first met Blau I was a little nervous, his imposing stature and large hamhock size hands reinforce his reputation. Then he opens his mouth and delivers the most ridiculous “dad joke”, immediately putting you at ease and exposing his true identity as a caring family man and giant teddy bear. To be clear, this gentle giant, can pull your arms off and pummel you with them at will, the rep was earned, but you will have to give him a reason.
Blau is a 6 time ibjjf world champion, 4 time pan am champion, National champion and 8 time Arizona state champion. He’s been training for 21 years and is black belt under Samir Chantre and Paul Nava. Further, he’s been a Firefighter for over 23 years for Chandler Fire Department; serving as a paramedic, Technical Rescue Technician and most recently as an Engineer on the utility truck!
Blau has a creative side that lead him to create, write and produce a children’s television show - Sprinklers Clubhouse– check it out on youtube!
Further, Blau is all about family, married 30 years with 5 kids and 2 grandchildren. On whom he practices his “Dad jokes” with mixed success.
In his spare time Blau provides training to our LE family as a ground fighting and firearms instructor.
In episode 67 we talk about all of these things and so much more, please enjoy.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest..
Email: firemandave4232@gmail.com
IG: firemandave4232
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Ep.66 Backing the Badge with Angela Harrolle
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
From the farm to the executive office of the 100 Club of Arizona, Angela Herrolle has made service the cornerstone of her life. A desire to travel and explore the world, led her on a journey away from the family farm in Minnesota and down a path that introduced excitement, family, tragedy, grief and love. This journey has woven her life into the tapestry of Public Safety family in Arizona and landed her in the office of the 100 Club of Arizona – whose purpose is to support the families of the men and women standing behind the badge. In episode 66 we discussed this journey, and much more, give it a listen and enjoy.
A little about our guest…
I was raised in rural Minnesota and I strived to see the world. This vision led me to Arizona State University where I obtained my B.S. in Justice Studies and Business in 1997. I was then able to obtain a position with the U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service as a Special Agent where I completed domestic and international investigations related to visa and passport fraud. During this time I was also assigned to the United States Secretary of State’s executive protection detail where I traveled to 34+ countries and later became the Asst. Regional Security Officer for the U.S. Embassies in Chile, Haiti and Mexico.
I came to be the CEO of The 100 Club of Arizona in an unconventional way. After meeting my husband, Bruce Harrolle and having a child I resigned from my position as a Special Agent and moved into a position as a contract Special Investigator to provide more stability for our growing family. Bruce worked as a police officer and paramedic for the Arizona Department of Public Safety while I opened FedRealty, a real estate brokerage that focuses on the residential relocation of government employees.
Life took an unexpected turn in October 2008 when my husband and father to my two young children was killed in the line of duty. I then worked closely alongside the Arizona Department of Public Safety on “Harrolle’s Law”, this law provides surviving families with lifetime health insurance benefits following a line of duty death.
I later became the CEO of The 100 Club of Arizona, a non-profit organization that provides statewide assistance for public safety agencies, officers, firefighters, EMT/Paramedics and their families. As a 501(c)(3), the 100 Club of Arizona is dedicated to standing behind the men and women who stand behind the badge. I also continue my aforementioned work in addition to being a partner in several local restaurant concepts such as CHoP Chandler, The Living Room, and Humble Pie at La Encantada.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: 100clubaz
IG: angelica922
FB: 100 club of Arizona
Memorial Motorcycle Run | 100 Club of Arizona
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com