On the Fireground Fitness podcast we host firefighters and allied professionals and discuss the life lessons learned on and off the fireground. How we become more effective and successful in high stress and difficult situations, life in a nut shell? Sitting down at ”the kitchen table” and talking it out!

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Strategic Decision Making Mini Series 1 of 4
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
So often we discuss how we make time sensitive decisions in fast evolving emergency events. This applies clearly on the fireground where rapid and smart decisions can be the difference in rescue and fire suppression. Frankly, we are making critical decision in our lives all the times - the skill transcends the fireground.
Good fireground decision makers easily arrive at concrete plans and execute clearly and definitively! Years of experience and training lead to this capability.
Strategic decision making is a skill and while experience is important it is also paramount that we are actively working to develop the practical skillset.
In this mini series, Chris Stewart (FGF episode 5) and your host, Rayne Gray, spend 4 episodes unpacking the strategic decision making process. It may be surprising that a process that takes 10-20 seconds on the fireground can take 2 hours to dissect on the podcast. Maybe we are just long winded, but we thought it was important to discuss why strategic decision making is important, the component parts and how to execute when shit gets real.
part 1: What is strategic decision making
part 2: Size Up
part 3: Risk Management and strategy
part 4: Incident action plan and deployment
I hope you find this helpful and learn a thing or three!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Episode 82, What up Dawg, with Ben Belleuvre
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Fire station 25 is situated in one of the more interesting burrows on the west side of Phoenix. This multi-company house is incredibly busy and the firefighters stationed there choose 25 for that very reason. A little over 19 years ago I rolled into 25 on assignment to complete my last probationary rotation and there I met today’s guest, Ben Belleuvre. Ben is a Firefighter in France and he came to Phoenix to learn the PFD way and study how we fight fire. He spent three months running calls on every rig at 25, every day, every hour. So, one day I took him home to give him a reprieve, we have been long time friends since.
In episode 82 Ben and I talk about his experience at fire station 25, the differences and similarity between firefighters around the world and the important lessons learned about firefighter maydays. Further, Ben shared his own personal experience with trying to rescue a lost firefighter and the changes that his department made in the wake of losing a brother in a commercial firefight. We talk about all of this and so much more, I hope you enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: bentmfdessins
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Episode 81, Not done learning with Ardell Deliz
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Do you ever stop and reflect on the many experiences that have shaped and formed who & what you’ve become? As you consider this, recognize that you have survived 100% of the most difficult and challenging days you’ve faced thus far. Carry this forward as you ponder the many adventures and learning opportunities that lay in wait.
In episode 81 Ardell Deliz and I did just this and discussed the many lessons learned growing up in Puerto Rico, moving to the United States, becoming a Firefighter, Captain, and mentor. Then looking to the future and recognizing how much more there is to learn and do. Tune in and enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: Ardell.deliz
IG: Franklin_mountainbiketeam
FB: Ardell Deliz
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Ep 80, Your momma was right, eat your veggies! with Megan Lautz
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
No one wants to talk about diet! It’s a hard topic, as with religion and politics, there are as many ways to “eat optimally” as there are people with opinions. We have anchored these opinions in facts drawn from firehouse kitchen table talks and other compelling anecdotal evidence. In full transparency, I have tried every plan – Carb loading, Zone, Atkins, Keto, Paleo, Carb cycling, and my all-time favorite – the See food diet. I have long argued that we are each an experiment of one and we must listen to our own bodies and eat accordingly. The problem I run into is my body is saying “you need sugar!” and while I recognize this is not the best thing, I struggle to stay ahead of the cravings.
So, in the quest to broaden my knowledge and reimagine that which I thought I knew, I sat down with Registered Dietician Megan Lautz. Her days are spent helping the Firefighters in her agency understand healthy nutrition and what she says should not shock you. Eating healthy is really simpler then we make it out to be. Give a listen to episode 80 and see if there are any things you can change to improve your health. You are an experiment of one, listen to your body and make adjustments – just be suspicious when it’s crying out for jelly doughnuts. You know dang well that’s not the path.
A little more about our guest…
Megan Lautz, MS, RD, CSCS, TSAC-F
Megan Lautz is a Registered Dietitian and strength coach with a Master's in Sports Nutrition. Megan’s mission is to help firefighters perform better, recover faster, and enjoy long healthy retirements.
Prior to joining Fairfax Fire in 2021, Megan worked with Montgomery County Fire and Police from 2017-2021. While a civilian, Megan has strived to understand the challenges firefighters face when trying to stay healthy. She has trained for and passed CPAT, completed 24-hour ride-alongs, and is heavily involved in fire recruit training and nutrition. Megan provides healthy dinner demonstrations, nutrition roundtable discussions, workouts, and mobility sessions to career firefighters out in the field.
Megan is the owner of RescueRD LLC, which provides nutrition seminars and coaching for tactical athletes across the country. Check out @Rescue.RD on Facebook and Instagram. A free Firehouse Dinner Recipe Book is available on her website RescueRD.com.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: rescue.rd
FB: Rescue RD – Megan Lautz
On the web: rescuerd.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday May 15, 2022
Episode 79, ”TikTok you don’t Stop” with Ashley Losch
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
I have had the pleasure of chatting with our guest, Ashley Losch, a few times over the years and finally had the opportunity to get her on the podcast. In episode 79, Losch and I discuss a variety of things, including vulnerability. A topic most of us turn away from, Losch leaned in, sharing her thoughts on how it impacts our communication and capacity as a team. We got into her work as a PIO and the challenges and opportunities we face when we share the fun and funny side of our world. We discussed all this and so much more, enjoy!
Would you like to know more about our guest?
Ashley tells us her story.
I grew up in Santa Monica California, graduated from Santa Monica High School and moved to Arizona to attend ASU in 1995. I grew up acting with a small theatre group and I loved being on stage. Acting gave me the opportunity to go to Japan and London to perform, all before I was14 years old. Once I moved to Arizona my acting days were over and I began focusing on what was ahead.
After setting my sights on becoming a Firefighter I gave myself a year to get hired post college graduation or I was going to move back to California. I got hired with Glendale a year and 4 days later. I have been with Glendale for 21 years and am currently a Captain serving as the PIO. I have worked as the PIO since 2017 and with a Super Bowl on the horizon I don’t anticipate getting back to a truck any time soon.
I have an incredible 17-year-old son who both amazes and confuses me every day. I am not sure where life is taking me, but I am trying to take the lessons I have learned from my past and apply them to my future. I have done a lot of self-reflection and therapy in the hopes that I can stay mentally strong through the inevitable challenges ahead.
I hope to be a mentor, visionary, and trailblazer for Firefighters as I believe we have the greatest job in the world and I want everyone to stay healthy so they can enjoy it.
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: glendalefire
FB: Glendale Fire Department
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Ep.78, One Life to Live with Colin Kennedy
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Every one of us on this earth travels a different path during our journey. Some walk a straight and uniform trail and others find themselves navigating rocks and bushes while going down the path less traveled. Our guest today, Colin Kennedy, has taken a unique path finding himself living in Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and traveling to many others countries before he landed in United States and the PFD. He’s a native Irishman, a father, a Firefighter, a Paramedic instructor, a Husband and so much more. In episode 78 we discuss all these things, please enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: colin_the_irish_guy
FB: colin kennedy
Mentioned in the episode:
The Emerald Society can be found at:
FB: Arizona Fire Fighters Emerald Society
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Episode 77, Behind the Mic with Jim Frazier
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
After 30 years behind the microphone in the Phoenix Regional Dispatch Center, Alarm Room Supervisor, Jim Frazier has a little something to say about public safety and how this job impacts us. Born into a public safety family, both Jim and his twin brother Joe followed suit and landed careers in the fire service. In episode 77 Frazier explains how challenging it can be to assist callers just using your words. How learning to listen carefully is the quintessential skill set, when the difference between what is said and what is not, may separate life from death. The role of a public safety dispatcher is far more nuanced than one might expect, and Frazier’s experience reflects this complexity.
Personally, my appreciation for the work that our dispatchers perform has grown exponentially over the years. And today, more than ever, they receive my highest regard for the difficult and demanding work they perform behind the mic. Enjoy todays episode!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
FB: PHXfrazier
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Episode 76, Joy in Firefighting with Chief Collin DeWitt
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
While discussing his 40 years in the fire service, Ret. Fire Chief Collin DeWitt, remarks, “men are that they may have joy.” After a lifetime of community service, dealing with trauma, drama, toil and trial, one might find it difficult to find joy. However, when you listen carefully to DeWitt you begin to realize that it’s all about perspective. In episode 76, Dewitt shares some of the challenges and changes he faced as he was coming up in the fire service and how he and his contemporaries overcame the difficulties, ultimately, finding satisfaction and joy. Please enjoy!
A little more about our guest…
1975 - Certified as one of the initial paramedics for the City of Phoenix
1983 - Paramedic of the Year Phoenix Fire Department
1985-2005 - Associate faculty at Phoenix college and ASU
1985 to 1999 - Served on the board of directors for the Arizona Emergency Medical Systems
1985 - Served on the Federal Integrated Committee of Emergency Medical Services in Washington DC to develop national ambulance standards
1985 to 1999 - Served on the National Fire Protection Association NFPA1001 committee for national fire fighter performance standards
1985 - Organized and implemented the first public emergency transportation system for the City of Phoenix Fire Department
1986 - Assisted the Arizona Sonora Border Foundation in training doctors in pre-hospital care
1989 - Certified as a hazardous materials technician
1992 - Assisted the Hope Foundation in Costa Rica to establish an emergency medical system
1992 - Assisted the Town Council in creating the Gilbert Fire Department
1993 - Became a Certified Public Manager
1999 - Assisted NATO in an International disaster drill in Kazakstan
1999 to 2013 - Oversaw the growth of the Gilbert Fire Department from 2 stations to 8 stations
2010 - As Town manager, coordinated the development and implementation of the Town's first strategic plan and managed a town wide reorganization.
2011 - Acquired and organized construction of the Town of Gilbert's 9/11 memorial
2011 - Received Mayoral Award for Excellent from the Town of Gilbert
2013 to 2015 - Served as Navajo County fire administrator to assist and reorganize fire districts within the county
2021 - Arizona State Fire Service Hall of Fame
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: Collin_DeWitt
FB: Collin Dewitt
Email: collindewitt270@gmail.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Ep. 75 Storm Stick with Jason Miller
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
As a young marine we used to chant a cadence, “born in the woods and raised by a bear, double set of dog teeth, triple coat of hair”. While nothing about this typifies our guest, Jason Miller, it rang through my head as he told me of his upbringing in the fire service. He knew from a young age what he wanted and right out of high school he “got in” and by his own account was “raised by the fire department”. Or rather by “bears” for sure!
Miller landed in the PFD and has built a wonderful career, serving on the line as a firefighter and company officer for 27 years. Recently, he took the step to become a command officer, and a credit to his KSAs, he landed at the top of the heap. While soon-to-be-Chief Miller looks out for his folks in the fire house with great care his vision extends further. His development of the storm stick, a clever gross decon tool to aid in the battle against exposure to carcinogens, Miller demonstrates his stewardship for the fire service at large. In episode 75 we discuss all of this and so much more. Please enjoy!
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: stormstickdecon
FB: stormstick
WWW: stormstickdecon.com
Email: info@stormstickdecon.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Episode 74, Ace Service with Reda Riddle-Bigler
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
On the volleyball court and the fireground, hustle, focus and teamwork are valuable traits that lead to trust and success. Our guest, Deputy Chief Reda Riddle-Bigler, has leveraged these traits as she worked to become an Div. 2 all American collegiate volleyball player, Coach, Firefighter, award winning community leader and the first Female shift commander in the Phoenix Fire Department.
In episode 74 we discuss how she has been shaped in life by all of these experiences and much more, enjoy!
A little more about our guest:
Reda Riddle-Bigler is a 21-year member of the Phoenix Fire Department and has worked in all ranks from Firefighter up to her current role as Deputy Chief. Riddle-Bigler has had many unique opportunities within the fire service to include working as the Public Information Officer (PIO), serving on the Peer Support Team, Recruitment co-chair, and President of the Valley Women's Firefighter Society.
Riddle-Bigler has a passion for mentorship and has found herself doing this in a variety of ways to include teaching Fire Science at the local high schools, organizing youth camps in the valley, and mentoring those who are considering a career in the fire service. Riddle-Bigler also has a passion for training, both physically and mentally and in her current position as a Shift Commander she has the opportunity to teach, as well as continuously learn, each and every day.
Riddle-Bigler has a degree in Public Administration and is currently working on a master's degree. Riddle-Bigler believes “that if it doesn't challenge you then it doesn't change you.” Riddle-Bigler also said “I spend a third of my life in this profession, but my biggest joy comes from my family, my husband Rob, and children Alyssa, Brody, and Chase.”
You can find the Fireground Fitness podcast wherever great podcasts are located. So, search it out and subscribe. Your feedback is powerful, and greatly appreciated. Go to apple podcasts, subscribe, rate and review the podcast or shoot me an email!
If you would like to contact today’s guest...
IG: vw_firefightersociety
FB: Valley Women’s Firefighter Society
WWW: vwfirefightersociety.com
Your host can be reached at:
IG: @firegroundfitness
FB: @fireground fitness
Twitter: @firegroundfit
Email: raynegray@firegroundfitness.com